EVERYTHING THEY WERE MINOR LEAGUE BASEBALL PARK SO THERE THIS SUMMER THEY ARE SO CLOSE TO MEETING A Friends how you doin face mask LOT OF SOMETHING ELSEand THAT’S THEand TERRY WAS TRYING TO RATIONALIZE WHERE YOU KNOW I NOW WHY THEY’RE THERE TO HELP THAT THEY WANT THE SAME THINGand GET SOME MORE HE REALIZES WHAT IT SAYS IT DOESN’T MATTER NOWand DANNY SAYS NOW IT DOESN’Tand THAT HAS ULTIMATELY BECOME A METANARRATIVE WHERE WE ARE WITH DANNY’S CHARACTER IN THE SEASON THE CHOICES THAT THEY NEED ON WHAT DOES IT MATTER NOW ON HERE YES BUT NO. EVEN VERBALIZING GRATITUDE BUT THAT SHOULD BE PART OF YOUR DAILY PRACTICE IS REALLY SITTING DOWN AND BEING GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE NOT FOR WHAT WE SPEND MOST OF OUR TIME WORKING IN WORRYING AND FRUSTRATED BY WHAT WE DON’T HAVE IT THAT WE SHOULD WORK THE OPPOSITE PREMISE AND SIT AND BE THANKFUL FOR WHAT WE DO HAVE AND THAT IS HOW WE EXPERIENCE MORE JOY HAPPINESS LOVE AND ABUNDANCE LAST WE HAVE TO KEEP A DAILY JOURNAL I THINK IT’S REALLY IMPORTANT FOR EVERYBODY TO UNDERSTAND THIS JOURNAL REALLY HELPS YOU EXPRESS YOURSELF HELPS YOU GET THINGS OUT IT HELPS THEM FOR YOU TO REVEAL AND MAYBE SOME TRUTHS THAT YOU ARE AWARE OF THE SPECIALLY GOING ON INSIDE OF YOU SO WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND. The violence that the setting are cities that the reality is that there’s heartbreak and tragedy that has struck American families because people came into this country illegally are now involved in criminal enterprise and activity and we don’t have the resources or the will to deport them systematically Donald Trump is set were going to move those people out people of overstayed their visas were going to enforce the law of this country to strengthen immigrations and customs enforcement’s with more resources not more personnel to be able to do that Donald Trump is made it clear once we’ve done all of those things that we were going to reform the immigration system in this country I said that’s the order that you should do it border security movement removing criminal aliens upholding the law and Sen
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I guarantee every Democrat will fall in place even Maxine Waters even Jerry never even Adam should even swallow well all those far left liberals will show up and vote yes because that’s what they do I mean there like this are strong will Republicans with her week you call one number races will go go word the ball up in the fetal position crying and they will fight back as why the Republican Party we were not his change in if there is ever going to be a Friends how you doin face mask Republican president after Donald Trump the better have his mentality is that they have the mentality of someone like George Bush don’t get me wrong as the most respected George Bush because he was my commander in chief I was in the military but he would back down quick with so my repressing more issues specially from the far left so we have an offer like that they’ll have a field day with no little walk all over it down to is reelected come November 3 is to be a game changer for all parties I was thinking about this the other night if we get all of us together. It’s rock and it’s just not fair for them the new method for kids is available at testing centers throughout BC with the hope that adults will also have the option at some point presented the Silva CBC news Vancouver Dr. All the moment choose a 601 for my lunch and all what a bad thing Herschel my mission to because I saw
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